Join us for the 2025 Ribs & 'Ritas fundraiser on June 7, 2025. We have multiple sponsorship levels available. Check out what you'll get at each level:
To secure your sponsorship, click here!
If you have a question, please check our Things to Know page.
(Guests and volunteers must be 21 to attend)
Platinum ($10,000)
Sponsors at this level receive:
Table for twelve (12) with preferred upfront table placement
Personal table hosts with bar and food service
Twelve (12) VIP Wrist Bands for access to the VIP Bar
Six (6) VIP Parking Passes
Admission one hour early (5:00 PM entry - drinks and appetizers)
Company logo displayed on screens at the event
Company logo and link included on First Chance Foundation website
Company name mentioned from the stage during the event
Recognition as a sponsor on all social media sites
Opportunity to put corporate gifts in all sponsor swag bags
To secure your Platinum sponsorship, click here.
Bronze ($1,000)
Sponsors at this level receive:
Four (4) tickets (seated together)
Two (2) VIP Parking Passes
Company name listed on sponsor board at the event
Recognition as a sponsor on all social media sites
To secure your Bronze sponsorship, click here​.
Gold ($5,000)
Sponsors at this level receive:
Table for ten (10) with upfront table placement
Personal table hosts with bar and food service
Ten (10) VIP Wrist Bands for access to the VIP Bar
Five (5) VIP Parking Passes
Admission one hour early (5:00 PM entry - drinks and appetizers)
Company logo displayed on screens at the event
Company logo and link included on First Chance Foundation website
Company name mentioned from the stage during the event
Recognition as a sponsor on all social media sites
Opportunity to put corporate gifts in all sponsor swag bags
To secure your Gold sponsorship, click here​.
Event Underwriter
All expenses to host Ribs & 'Ritas are covered through in-kind donations or paid by Verbalocity. For those interested in helping to pay for event expenses, we offer several event underwriting opportunities, including:
VIP Bar Sponsor - $1,000 (2)
Longhorn Sponsor - $1,000 (2)
Technology Sponsor - $1,000 (2)
Entertainment Sponsor - $1,000 (2)
Shuttle Sponsor - $1,000 (2)
Click here for more information on each underwriting opportunity.
Silver ($2,500)
Sponsors at this level receive:
Six (6) tickets (seated together)
Six (6) VIP Wrist Bands for access to the VIP Bar
Three (3) VIP Parking Passes
Company logo displayed on screens at the event
Company logo included on First Chance Foundation website
Company name mentioned from the stage during the event
Recognition as a sponsor on all social media sites
To secure your Silver sponsorship, click here​.

In-Kind Contributions
In addition to the four levels of sponsorship and event underwriters, we offer in-kind donation opportunities for those who want to provide products or services needed for the event. In-kind donors will receive:
Company name on an in-kind donor board at the event
Company name included on First Chance Foundation website
Recognition as an in-kind sponsor on all social media sites
Contact us regarding your In-Kind donation.
NOTE ABOUT FEES: At checkout, you will see an "administrative fee" to cover credit card fees. You can opt out of the fees, and we will pay them for you. Or, you can pay by check and we can all avoid the credit card fees!
If you have questions about sponsorship, reach out to Heather at (210) 399-4646 or info@firstchancefoundation.org. If you don't have questions, secure your sponsorship today by clicking here.